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Alex Barre-Boulet, whose Value is $869 200, will play Bolts first line

Alex Barre-Boulet, whose Value is $869 200, will play Bolts first line

Alex Barre-Boulet, whose Value is $869 200, will play Bolts first line

He decreased his Value in both games this season.

26-year-old forward Alex Barre-Boulet will play Tampa Bay Lightning first line with Brayden Point and Nikita Kucherov vs. Vancouver Canucks.

The total Value of this Bolts' first line will be $21 247 654.

The Value of Barre-Boulet is decreasing this season to $869 200:

Decreasing Value by $46 025 was the 9th-worst result in the team in these 2 games.

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