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Maple Leafs' John Tavares hit a $8M Value

Maple Leafs' John Tavares hit a $8M Value

Maple Leafs' John Tavares hit a $8M Value

His Value increased by $561 904 in 2 years.

Toronto Maple Leafs 33-year-old forward John Tavares plays consistently this season. He decreased his Value only in the game vs. the Florida Panthers and increased in each of the other 4 games.

Thanks to successfully starting, he has added $105 268 to his Value and reached a $8 094 624 Value.

Tavares hit a $8 million Value for the first time in his career while his 7-year contract is worth $11 million. His Value was only $7.5 million 2 years ago and increased by $257 226 in the 2021-22 season and by $199 410 in the 2022-23 season.

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