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Alexis Lafreniere rises in TOP 6 NYR forwards by Value

Alexis Lafreniere rises in TOP 6 NYR forwards by Value

Alexis Lafreniere rises in TOP 6 NYR forwards by Value

He hit a career-high $4 423 743 Value.

New York Rangers Alexis Lafreniere increases his Value by $115 795 or 2.7% this season. It is the 2nd-best progress in the team after Erik Gustafsson's, who added $131 554.

Lafreniere has hit a career-high $4 423 743 Value and risen in TOP 6 Rangers forwards by Value. The former No.1 NHL 2020 draft pick reached this milestone in his 4th season. He replaced Blake Wheeler, who recorded -$221 914 to the Value, in the team's Player Rating.

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