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Value Flames' Huberdeau and Kadri drops by $740K in 8 games

Value Flames' Huberdeau and Kadri drops by $740K in 8 games

Value Flames' Huberdeau and Kadri drops by $740K in 8 games

Their total Value is $14 172 316 and their total Cap Hit is 17.5 million.

Calgary Flames stars Nazem Kadri and Jonathan Huberdeau are projected to play in line with Matt Coronato today vs. Edmonton Oilers at the Heritage Classic.

Both forwards started the season very badly:

Kadri decreased his Value by $418 403 (the worst progress in the NHL) or 6.7% to $5 844 703

Huberdeau fell by $320 851 (the 3rd-worst progress in the NHL) or 3.7% to $8 327 613

Their total decrease is $739 254 in 8 games.

The new contract of Jonathan Hueberdeau with a Cap Hit of $10 500 000 starts this season and will end at the 2030-31 season. The contract Nazem Kadri also starts this season with a Cap Hit of $7 000 000 and will end at the 2028-29 season.

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