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Youngers have the best Value Progress in Wild

Youngers have the best Value Progress in Wild

Youngers have the best Value Progress in Wild

Brock Faber, Marco Rossi and Connor Dewar are on the first three rows.

Minnesota Wild leaders don't shine brightly for now. At the moment other players start their season better. For example, Brock Faber increased his Value by $227 716. It's the best Wild's result. The 2nd and 3rd places go to Marco Rossi with +$225 911 to his Value and Connor Dewar with $141 805 Value Progress.

Faber is on pace for $2 624 429 Value, Rossi - for $2 563 536 Value, and Dewar - for $2 514 210 Value. The last one becomes an RFA next summer

The best of the experienced players is Ryan Hartman who increased his Value by $141 415 this season.

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