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The huge update of Game Reports has just been launched 

Benchrates: the huge update of Game Reports has just been launched 

Benchrates: the huge update of Game Reports has just been launched 

We could count a level of support and resistance and name it the Power. Also, we added our xG model based on the modern shots dataset.

Now all Game Reports have the Power: the skater's Power Score on the eve of the game that was multiplied by the TOI (and reduced by 1M for convenience).


The Individual Power shows how much help a player should have provided to his team based on his level.

On-Ice Power For shows how much support a player should have had based on the level of his teammates.

On-Ice Power Against shows how much resistance a player should have faced based on the level of his opponents. This demonstrates who munches the tough minutes against the more Powerful skaters.

Additionally, Power For and Power Against were added to the Lines, Versus, and Teams tabs.

Also, we added xG to the Game Reports.

There are prediction models for EV, PP, PK, and EN situations that were built on the 647 thousand shots from the 2018-19 season to March 2024. So, the models used the newest data collected after changes to goalie equipment requirements in the 2018-19 season and it should improve the accuracy of predictions.

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